Tuesday, July 1, 2008

dandelion blu hits the shelves!

hopefully by now everyone out there is familiar with the jewelry designs of dandelion blu. she is not only my frequent booth-mate and craft companion, she's also a great friend, advisor and coach. in fact, she's been instrumental in the early success of chickadee enterprises. and she's always around to help neutralize the failures. so, in this small space, i wanted to take some time to sing her praises and promote her latest accomplishment...she's been published!

her autumn leaves pendant is featured in the book 1000 jewelry inspirations by sandra salamony. flip to number 0939 and you'll find the dandelion's entry, an amazingly handcrafted copper/new gold pendant that she cut (sawed) and riveted together. it is a beautiful piece that hints at her talents and the many things that she plans to make.

talk to your local bookseller to find out how you can get your hands on a copy! or if you'd prefer, check it out on amazon.

and be sure to catch this rising star while she's still a hometown hero. her etsy group b.e.s.t. is having a trunk show on july 13th at double dutch in baltimore, a great alterna-boutique in the heart of hamden, hon. she'll be doing double duty that day as she also plans to appear at the ballston arts + craft market under the big top with this chickadee.

1 comment:

Sherry said...

Awwwww!!!!! Wow! I am blushing! Thanks for the Trunk Show plug!!!