Monday, August 4, 2008

all work and no blog...

for the past week or so, it has been all quiet on the blogging front. perhaps, dear reader, you began to believe that summer's army had been successful in thwarting the progress of a certain chickadee. on the surface, the three pronged attack of heat, haze and humidity seems to have stopped this chickadee in her tiny tracks. but fear not, friends! behind the seemingly still scenes, the chickadee liberation movement has managed to amass a mountain of fabric and has drawn up documents and spreadsheets to deal with the dangerous deterrent that is disorganization. needles are at the ready. scissors are drawn. the sewing has commenced. the monumental march on seattle has begun. stay tuned to this space for the shock and awwwwwwwww.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Da da da go girl!!!!!